Culture & Heritage
Kasargod offers a variety of patterns of arts which speaks volumes about the rich cultural heritage of regions. The spectacular pageant of Theyyam deities impassinated – raises Kasargod into a land of fabulous fantasies. The symphonic melody created by Yakshgana, Kambala (buffallo race), Cock fight etc. of the Thulanad culture, thrilling along with poorakkali, Kolkali, Duff Mutt, Oppana etc. enchants the visitors.

Kasargod is a land of different languages. The languages without script are also used here. Tulu, Kannada, Malayalam, Konkani, Tamil and other local languages are the popular.
The Hindus, Muslims,and the Christians, live side by side, each influencing and getting influenced by the culture of the other. Communal harmony and religious tolerance are the noteworthy characteristics of the people.
Though the people speak different languages there is no barrier on the cultural unity. Mosques, Temples and Churches stand side by side as symbols of communal cohesion.
The major religious groups are the Hindus, Muslims and Christians.
Brahmins, Nairs, Ambalavasis, Thiyyas, Yadavas and Kammalas are the major divisions of Hindu community. Thiyyas of the district are known as Belechappad and Poojaris. Yadavas are also known as Maniyanis. There are divisions among the Brahmins such as Shivally, Havyak, Karhada and Kota. Shivally Brahmins consists of Agithaya, Kayarthaya, Kadanbalithaya, Kaikillaya, Ballullaya, Punichithaya etc. Bhats are known as the Havyak Brahmins. The Gouda Saraswatha Brahmins or the Konkinis, can also be seen here, small in number. Nambiar, Kurup etc. are the sub divisions of the Nair community. Kammalas are artisans like Thattan (goldsmith), Perumkollan (blacksmith), Asaris (carpenters).
The Muslims of the district are very pious and they follow rigid religious customs. The family background and daily life of the muslims are conducive to a devout life. In addition to the ritualistic prayers, individually or in congregation special prayers are offered on special occasions such as the funeral, Ramzan nights and during Ramzan and Bakrid festivals. Special supplications are made at the death anniversary of Saints which is known as Uroos. The purdha system is observed more strictly here by Muslim women than in any other parts of the State.
The Christians dominate eastern portion in the district. They are settled mainly in the eastern hilly areas. They are settlers from the southern parts of Kerala. During the year 1943 the first settlers came to Rajapuram. The main Christian settlement are Thanapuram, Palavayal, Vellerikkundu, Cherupuzha, Bedadukka, Pulingome, Karivedakam, Malom, Balal, Kanhiradukkam, Kadumeni, Mallakkallu, Panathady, and Cheemeni. These hilly terrains are converted into rich plantations by these people.
umeni, Mallakkallu, Panathady, and Cheemeni. These hilly terrains are converted into rich plantations by these people.